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IdmNet Namespace
Primary namespace for the IdmNet assembly.
Public classIdmConnectionInfo
This class holds the information needed to connect to a MIM server.
Public classIdmNetClient
This is the primary class in the IdmNet assembly. It is the .NET client used to perform CRUD operations on objects/resources in the Identity Manager Service database.
Public classIdmNetClientFactory
This class is used to help construct an IdmNet Client object
Public classIdmNetUtils
Contains utility methods for IdmNet
Public classSoapConstants
Constants used for serializing SOAP objects
Public classSoapFaultException
Exception thrown when a SOAP Fault is detected/returned from SOAP web service calls.
Public classSoapXmlSerializer
Class for serializing our SOAP messages for Identity Manager to consume
Public interfaceIIdmNetClient
Interface primarily for mocking IdmNetClient when testing apps that use the IdmNetClient.